martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010


Wednesday-Please write two sentences for each conjunction in Literacy book which must be handed in on Wednesday or Thursday (some may be absent for strike)
Here is a web page for the children to look at the rules of divisibility.
look at the pages explaining factors and the powerpoint about divisibility

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010


Some children are still finding dividind and multiplying decimals by 10,100 and a thousand difficult.Let's see if I can find some websites to help you practise lots of information on this page practise your rounding here
hope these help


Please parents look in your child's .Many children are not doing their homework properly.Please look in their homework book.I will try to write the homework on the blogg but it is not always possible.
Monday-Learn spellings for next Monday and write ten sentences using 10 of the 15 spellings in the spelling book for next Monday.Mental maths Ex 1 A 16-18 B 1,2
Tues B3-7
Wed All c
Thurs-Ex2 1-5
FridayEx2 6-15

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Chant please learn by tomorrow

Rules are made to be obeyed
Do your homework everyday
And your teacher you obey
left march,march,march turn around
In the corridor you must walk
And be quiet do not talk
Right march,march,march turn around
Speak in english all the time
Or your lose your playtime
Please and thank you must say
to the ladies once a day
Obey them and you can play
In the school you must behave
And be sensible everyday
Just obey them everyday
And you`ll get your extra play
Our assembly has been fun
What do you think everyone.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010


Homework tonight is to do the maths sheet.PLEASE only do the place value side.PUT YOUR NAME ON THE SHEET and give it in on Friday.
We are practising speed and accuracy with our multiplication tables this week let me see if I can find some sites to help you

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


This is a bit of a mad week because of the big event on Friday.The children all need caps for Friday and those who need other clothes already know and should have told you.Please help them learn their lines.
Tonight the children have mental maths homework,as usual and need to redraft their autobiographies by Thursday.Please check that their handwriting is neat.

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010


This weekend I will expect everyone to finish their autobiography instead of the literacy sheet.
Next Friday is our assembly. We hope all the parents will come at 2.45 on Friday the 24
Please could you ask at home for scraps of material for art and newspapers to protect the tables. We  have now changed art to Monday.Have a great weekend and be good.try to do something to help at home this weekend.

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Some maths games


At last it would seem the internet is working.
Today-Tuesday you have to do your title page for volcanoes and earthquakes.Let's see if you can do some nice pictures and make it look pretty.
Our spellings this week are common spelling mistakes:because,beautiful,with,clothes,where,wear,were,when,went,saw,stopped,I,light,school,why.different
Please practise these in your spelling book
All children should read a little everyday and look up the words they don't understand in a dictionary.Thankyou

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010
lots of games and information inside this site to help us with our topic

World war 2 Build a bomb shelter game
A fractions game


unfortunately I can't get to any web sites so at the moment there are no links I will try at home to put some games and links on to help with the maths.
Please get the children to find general information from the web about world war two.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Welcome back to school 5A

Welcome back everyone.I am sure we are going to have a fantastic year and we are all going to learn lots.Parents please keep an eye on your child's homework book and this blog,as I will be giving you details about homework here as well.Please parents sign your child's homework book every day to help them to develop good woork habits.