lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Homework this week

Monday-learn spellings and do 10 sentences.Spellings this week for most of the children are triplets, tricycle, triangle,triangular, trident, trio, tricepts, triple,triplicate,quartet, quarter,quadruped, quadruple,quadrant,quadrilateral,quadruplet.
Finish maths ex 7
Tuesday-exercise 8 1-5 .English sheet for Wednesday.
Wednesday-Ex 8 6-10 Maths sheet for next Wednesday
ThursdayEx 811- 15
Friday Finish exercise 8 and revise science.

This is our grammar point this week

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

White board pens

The children have been asked time and time again to bring in their own whiteboard pen.We have wasted many hours of school time because certain children do not have one.Tomorrow those children who do not have one will be in detention.Thakyou

A great site for learning a bout volcanoes

Watch the powerpoint presentation
Also how to pronounce ed

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Answers to 5 and 6 maths

spellings for this week

monopoly.monologue,monocycle, unicycle,union,duo,duet,biplane,bifocal,bicepts,,unicorn,bicentury,monorail,biped,duplicate.Don't forget your redraft for tomorrow and ten sentences for next week for your spellings.I am waiting for the new maths sheets sorry.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Homework for this weekend

The children must redraft their article about the rescue of the Chilean miners with a photo and caption to be put on a display by Tuesday 19.They can do it on a computer if they want.
They are to do both sides of the maths sheets by Wednesday 20.This Monday they will have their spelling test and I will check their 10 sentences.Have areally good weekend.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


Children can return to PE kit until end of October.Thankyou


Spelling test next Monday
musical, occasional, natural, industrial, sentimental, continental, central, historical, circle, square,rectangle,parallelogram, trapezium,rhombus,although

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Another spelling test

I am still not sure if all parents realise that their children's homework books should be signed everyday.Many of 5A are not doing their homework and although they will get detention for this it is essential for parents to be chacking.Thankyou for helping.Most students will be repeating this weeks spelling test as the results were not up to fifth grade standard.Please sign the spelling tests in your child's book so you yourself can see where they are making mistakes.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Good news

Tomorrow we will be able to use the smart board.YIPEE.
Don't forget to bring your photo and trips permission slip in as soon as possible.You have to print this out off the canterbury web page.
I would really appreciate it if all parents could have a serious talk with their children about being silent while working,listening to the teacher properly and presenting their work beautifully.I would like to say a really big thank you and congratulations to those who always do this.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010


School photos are on the 13 of October. Don't forget to wear full school uniform.Children can go back to PE kit on Thursday 14.

Spellings and a request for parents

Spellings for this week are
inconsiderate improper incapable
insane immature intolerant inconvenient imperfect impractical insecure impossible meanwhile afterwards although inaccurate .The children are expected to write 10 definitions of ten of the words in their spelling books for next Monday.


Maths 5 a day this week are
Exercise 5
Mon 1-5
Thurs 16 -B2
Friday rest of exercise 5