lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

Spellings and homework

Spellings-Technology,biology,ecology,geology,zoology,ornithology,mythology,astrology,archaeology, campanology, terminology,meteorology,microbiology,criminology,psychology,anthropology.
Monday-Do TEFL sheets and test 9 maths A 1-5(IF you haven't got the sheet do it tomorrow)
Tuesday -Rest of part A maths .15 spelling sentences defining the words for this week.
Wednesday-Maths sec B 1-5 and redraft complaint letter.
Thursday- Maths sheet Finish sec B
Friday-Section C and maths homework

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Grrek figures for our vases

It would be great if the children could plan their own figures for their vases at home for art next week. here are some sites to help greek myths to read.
Monday learn spellings Maths test 8A1-5 sentences for all 22 spellingsLearn all meanings as well. extreme
Tuesday-Redraft complaint letter for this Friday.On plain paper.
Maths test A6-10
Wednesday-Literacy sheet for Thursday(the next day)Maths Part B
Thursday-Maths sheet for Monday
Friday maths sheet part c.
External,extreme,exact, expel, exaggerate, excavate, excellence,excellent,exit,exclaim, except,exchange,exceed,exclusive, excursion,exhaust, madam,apology,sir,complaint, sincerely,faithfully

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Maths test.

There will be a short maths test on 3D shapes,Mean,mode,median,range and interpreting line graphs and other graphs on Monday.The children have their maths books in their bag and on older posts on the blog there is lots of help.

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011


If you are reading Charlottes web please read up to chapter 13
Here are the questions
When did Charlotte like to do her weaving?
What did Avery have in his hand on page 69 (beginning of chapter 10) and what didFern have in her hair?
What does idiosyncrasy mean?
What does pestering mean?

If you are reading Stig of the Dump, please read up toChapter 7
Here are your questions
What animal did Stig want to hunt at first?
What did Stig do to the hunting hound?
What sweets did the Snargets give Stig?
Find a word that begins with C that means slightly mad.Find a wordbeginning with v thatmeans disappear.

Science test.

Children will have their test tomorrow. Please look on blog for pages to help with forces go into forces in action and friction on this web page

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

OOps sorry

I forgot to give out the homework sheets the children will get them tomorrow.


I am very worried about the level of understanding of the maths we are doing this week.We are looking at the range,mode,median and mean(average).Here is some more information to help the children at home.It would be great if they could practise This is a card game you could play at home to help

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Have a look and learn about Greek pots


during,under,outside,toward,upon,  over, after, through.
Monday-Children finish work from class by wrting a complex sentence for each of these spellings,demonstrating their understanding of the word.Please highlight the spelling word in the sentence.
Test 7 A 1-5
Tuesday-Literacy sheet for Thursday
Test 7A6-10
Wednesday-Test 7 sec B

Thursday-Maths Sheet for Monday
Test 7C1-5
FridayTest 7C5-10

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

science homework

To be given in on Monday.Due to the generally poor behaviour this week the children were unable to finish their science in class so it will have to be finished at home.5A do know how to behave and I am really trying to give them interesting and fun lessons.This is an important year and they need to listen and work hard in class.I would appreciate it if the parents could have a chat with their children. Thankyou.
This vocabulary must be included in their work.
fair testing, surface area, floated, faster, slower,air lift, streamlined, pointed, wings, designed, long, wide square.

Questions for Stig of the dump

In chapter 1 .where was Stig?
What was chalk pit used for?
Name two plants that grew up the pits side.
Find words in the text that have these meanings.
A small space
To hit something hard

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Some comprehension questions to go along with your reading book.

For those children reading Charlottes web please only read up to chapter 6.
These questions should be answered in your rough book and we will go over them in lirary time.How old is Fern?
What weapons does Avery have on page 9?
How did Wilbur escape on page 21?
Find words with these meanings:
Very wet
A soft wind
When a animal eats grass
Find six different words that are used instead of went.
Those children reading Stig of the dump neeed to read to chapter 3
These are their questions

maths project for this weekend

The children need to make and stick nets for all these :cube,cuboid,square based pyramid,triangular based pyramid, triangular prism. These should be brought to school on Monday the best decorated ones will go on display.

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011

welcome back 5A

Welcome back 5A.Hope you all had a great holiday.
Homework at least for today is
telescope,telephone,teleport,automatic,aotobahn, automation, autoharp,television,telegraph, telepathy,telephoto,autograph,automobile,autobiography,autopsy.
The children are to write five complex sentences using because so ,but or although as connectives. Each sentence must have two of our spellings in it.