viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Stig of the dump for ch 3 and 4

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Chapter 3
It Warms you Twice, pages 36 - 43

What time of year is it?

In your own words, describe the dump and Stig’s cave when Barney got there.

What did Barney think was wrong with Stig?

“He moved as if his joints were rusty”, what does this tell you about how Stig moved?

Why do you think Stig did not take the axe?

Why did Barney’s grandfather say that wood would warm you twice?

Why did Barney climb the tree?

Why was Stig cutting so quickly with the saw?

How had seeing the axe and the saw changed Stig’s mood? Why?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Pages 43 - 50

What did the two boys do with the tree once it had been brought down?

How did Stig try start the fire?

What do you think Stig thought when he saw Barney lighting the matches?

Why wouldn’t Stig waste another match?

Describe what Stig drew on the wall.

Do you think Barney’s sister and grandmother believed that Stig was real?
“Stig Of The Dump”
by CliveChapter 4
Gone A-Hunting, pages 51-58

How did Barney try to help Stig to understand about hunting?

What did they take with them?

Why did Stig drop to the ground?

What do you think Stig was hunting for?

Why was Barney unsure about killing the pheasant?

Why did the two boys hide?

Why do you think Stig did not kill the fox?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Page 58 – 64

What did Stig do to get rid of the hound?

What do you think Stig was thinking when he heard the hunt?

Why could Stig move so quickly through the undergrowth and Barney could not?

Describe the scene when the white horse came out of the wood.

What had Lou really seen?

Why didn’t Lou say anything when Barney had told her about hunting with Stig?