martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

christmas shortcake

Please could some children bring butter tomorrow to make the shortcake.
The children have also been given some literacy homework.

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

Holiday homework

Each child will be given a maths booklet for the holidays.They will be given a extra reading book.
5A are to do a project about change from 1930 -2000.They will be expected to work in pairs or a group of three.If this is impossible they will have to do it individually. This should be presented either as a powerpoint and brought to school on a pen drive; or on a large piece of card.The children will have to do research on the internet and it is important that they are supervised. If you do not have internet at home all public libraries have internet. The children will be expected to take notes and write the information up in their own words. Work copied directly from the internet will get a very poor grade as there is no evidence of the child understanding what they have written.All children will be presentng their project to the class on the first day of next term.

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Well done

Well done everyone .The dance was great and so was the acting and reading.Paula was AMAZING.Thankyou Miss Agueda for the brilliant make up.
  Don't forget to bring some food for the party on Wednesday.

miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

Fraction help for maths

History homework

Please finish history by answering all questions on Kitchens .You may want to find more information by liiking on internet.please colour sheet and stick neatly into topic book at the back in the history section these sites may help?

Show tomorrow

The show will start at 11:30 tomorrow 16 December.
Please remember that many Canarian families are not as fortunate as we are and will be suffering hardship this christmas. Canterbury is collecting food parcels to help.

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

answers for mental maths-Sorry they are so late


The spelling tests weren't very good this week.I know Christmas is coming but the children in 5A need to realise that this is no excuse for bad behaviour and poor work!
Santa Claus has no e at the end.SORRY but we all make mistakes.
Homework this week-
Monday-Spelling 10 sentences
All the same this week.-decimal. decathlon, decade,decagon,decalogue, decapod, decimate,decimetre, century, centimetre,centenarian, centenary, centennial, centigrade, centipede, centurian.For next Monday
Maths-Test 5 C1-5
Tuesday-Maths test 5 C6-10
Wednesday-English sheet for Monday Maths test 6A1-5
Thursday-Maths test 6A 6-10
Friday- Maths test 6 B

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

homework and spellings

one group has their spellings on a photocopy. The other spellings are:porter, portal, portable,portfolio,transport, import, export, microscope, telescope, horoscope, gyroscope, stethoscope, scribe, scribble, inscribe, transcribe.
Children have a maths sheet for the weekend and they need to do 10 spelling sentences. Have alovely short holiday!

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010


Please keep the papers that you are given for homework in a plastic envelope.They have information to help the children understand each topic that we cover and will help them revise for tests.I would rather you kept them in this way as they often fall out of the maths book.
We are doubling/halving and multiplying at the moment.
Here are some games to help the children

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

christmas card competition

The children will be bringing home their entry to the christmas card competition they must be finished and given back by 9 December or they will definately not be accepted .5 are chosen per year group

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Science tomorrow

Yes Miss Vivienne is still at school trying to get your science lesson ready for tomorrow.I have a problem we are going to be weighing objects with the forcemeter in water.It would be great if you could all find some things that you could weigh, where it doesn't matter if they get wet, and bring them to school tomorrow.Thanks Miss Vivienne.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

art site

art site

homework and spellings this week

Spellings-Audible,audience, audition, audiovisual, auditory, auditorium, photographic,photogenic, telephoto, photocopier, photophobia, agraphobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, xenophobia,hydrophobia
theother spellings are: shoot shot catch caught fight fought hear heard shake shook wear wore creep crept, break broke
Monday-ex 11 ex a 15-end. Ex 11 B1,2
Learn spellings and 10 sentences for next Monday
Tuesday-Ex 11 Finish b Literacy sheet to be given in on Thursday
Wednesday-Ex 11 all of C
Thursday-Ex 12 1-5
Maths sheet for next Monday
Friday Ex 12 6-15 Redraft spy thriller story for next Wednesday.Competion for spy thriller book cover

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Front page of book competition

Please remember that we need a design for the front page of our science fiction book.titled -A compendium of science fiction short stories by 5A.There will be a small prize for the winner.On A4 paer please


Monday-Maths ex 10 15-18 and B1,2
Learn spellings and ten sentences using the spellings correctly
Tuesday-Ex 10 finish b English sheet for Thursday.
Wednesday-Ex 10 C
Thursday-Ex 11 A 1-5
Maths sheet for Monday
Friday-Ex 11 10-15


transport transplant
transatlantic, transmit,aerate, aerodynamic, aeronautical, transfer, transaction, transscript, transparent, aerodrome,aerial,aeroplane, aerobatics
go went run ran eat ate write wrote buy bought bring brought think thought fling flung

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

lots of practise and information for fractions at this web page

spellings this week

graph, photograph, graphic, autograph,telegraph,aquarium, aqualung, aquamarine,aquatic, Aquarius,hydrofoil, hydroelectric, hydraulic, hydrogen, hydrophobia, dehydrate
Please learn the spellings and do 10 sentences demonstrating that you know the meaning of the word.Some children have other spellings
Tuesday -redraft science fiction story on paper for Thursday Exercise 9 part B
Wednesday-Exercise 9 part C-maths sheet for Friday
Thursday-EX 10 1-5
Friday-Ex 10 5-15

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Forces book

Our new science topic is forces.I have given some children a forces book as a reading book there are only 18 so if you don't have it now you will get it to take home in the next two weeks.Please do try to do the suggested experiments with mum or dad at home. We need to improve our science and learn the correct vocabulary
Go into forces in action and friction to learn about this topic

Homework reading and tests

Please finish your story by Monday
Revise maths -books should be in bags
Some children are reading the forces book .Please read to page 25

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Homework this week

Monday-learn spellings and do 10 sentences.Spellings this week for most of the children are triplets, tricycle, triangle,triangular, trident, trio, tricepts, triple,triplicate,quartet, quarter,quadruped, quadruple,quadrant,quadrilateral,quadruplet.
Finish maths ex 7
Tuesday-exercise 8 1-5 .English sheet for Wednesday.
Wednesday-Ex 8 6-10 Maths sheet for next Wednesday
ThursdayEx 811- 15
Friday Finish exercise 8 and revise science.

This is our grammar point this week

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

White board pens

The children have been asked time and time again to bring in their own whiteboard pen.We have wasted many hours of school time because certain children do not have one.Tomorrow those children who do not have one will be in detention.Thakyou

A great site for learning a bout volcanoes

Watch the powerpoint presentation
Also how to pronounce ed

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Answers to 5 and 6 maths

spellings for this week

monopoly.monologue,monocycle, unicycle,union,duo,duet,biplane,bifocal,bicepts,,unicorn,bicentury,monorail,biped,duplicate.Don't forget your redraft for tomorrow and ten sentences for next week for your spellings.I am waiting for the new maths sheets sorry.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Homework for this weekend

The children must redraft their article about the rescue of the Chilean miners with a photo and caption to be put on a display by Tuesday 19.They can do it on a computer if they want.
They are to do both sides of the maths sheets by Wednesday 20.This Monday they will have their spelling test and I will check their 10 sentences.Have areally good weekend.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


Children can return to PE kit until end of October.Thankyou


Spelling test next Monday
musical, occasional, natural, industrial, sentimental, continental, central, historical, circle, square,rectangle,parallelogram, trapezium,rhombus,although

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Another spelling test

I am still not sure if all parents realise that their children's homework books should be signed everyday.Many of 5A are not doing their homework and although they will get detention for this it is essential for parents to be chacking.Thankyou for helping.Most students will be repeating this weeks spelling test as the results were not up to fifth grade standard.Please sign the spelling tests in your child's book so you yourself can see where they are making mistakes.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Good news

Tomorrow we will be able to use the smart board.YIPEE.
Don't forget to bring your photo and trips permission slip in as soon as possible.You have to print this out off the canterbury web page.
I would really appreciate it if all parents could have a serious talk with their children about being silent while working,listening to the teacher properly and presenting their work beautifully.I would like to say a really big thank you and congratulations to those who always do this.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010


School photos are on the 13 of October. Don't forget to wear full school uniform.Children can go back to PE kit on Thursday 14.

Spellings and a request for parents

Spellings for this week are
inconsiderate improper incapable
insane immature intolerant inconvenient imperfect impractical insecure impossible meanwhile afterwards although inaccurate .The children are expected to write 10 definitions of ten of the words in their spelling books for next Monday.


Maths 5 a day this week are
Exercise 5
Mon 1-5
Thurs 16 -B2
Friday rest of exercise 5

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010


Wednesday-Please write two sentences for each conjunction in Literacy book which must be handed in on Wednesday or Thursday (some may be absent for strike)
Here is a web page for the children to look at the rules of divisibility.
look at the pages explaining factors and the powerpoint about divisibility

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010


Some children are still finding dividind and multiplying decimals by 10,100 and a thousand difficult.Let's see if I can find some websites to help you practise lots of information on this page practise your rounding here
hope these help


Please parents look in your child's .Many children are not doing their homework properly.Please look in their homework book.I will try to write the homework on the blogg but it is not always possible.
Monday-Learn spellings for next Monday and write ten sentences using 10 of the 15 spellings in the spelling book for next Monday.Mental maths Ex 1 A 16-18 B 1,2
Tues B3-7
Wed All c
Thurs-Ex2 1-5
FridayEx2 6-15

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Chant please learn by tomorrow

Rules are made to be obeyed
Do your homework everyday
And your teacher you obey
left march,march,march turn around
In the corridor you must walk
And be quiet do not talk
Right march,march,march turn around
Speak in english all the time
Or your lose your playtime
Please and thank you must say
to the ladies once a day
Obey them and you can play
In the school you must behave
And be sensible everyday
Just obey them everyday
And you`ll get your extra play
Our assembly has been fun
What do you think everyone.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010


Homework tonight is to do the maths sheet.PLEASE only do the place value side.PUT YOUR NAME ON THE SHEET and give it in on Friday.
We are practising speed and accuracy with our multiplication tables this week let me see if I can find some sites to help you

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


This is a bit of a mad week because of the big event on Friday.The children all need caps for Friday and those who need other clothes already know and should have told you.Please help them learn their lines.
Tonight the children have mental maths homework,as usual and need to redraft their autobiographies by Thursday.Please check that their handwriting is neat.

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010


This weekend I will expect everyone to finish their autobiography instead of the literacy sheet.
Next Friday is our assembly. We hope all the parents will come at 2.45 on Friday the 24
Please could you ask at home for scraps of material for art and newspapers to protect the tables. We  have now changed art to Monday.Have a great weekend and be good.try to do something to help at home this weekend.

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Some maths games


At last it would seem the internet is working.
Today-Tuesday you have to do your title page for volcanoes and earthquakes.Let's see if you can do some nice pictures and make it look pretty.
Our spellings this week are common spelling mistakes:because,beautiful,with,clothes,where,wear,were,when,went,saw,stopped,I,light,school,why.different
Please practise these in your spelling book
All children should read a little everyday and look up the words they don't understand in a dictionary.Thankyou

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010
lots of games and information inside this site to help us with our topic

World war 2 Build a bomb shelter game
A fractions game


unfortunately I can't get to any web sites so at the moment there are no links I will try at home to put some games and links on to help with the maths.
Please get the children to find general information from the web about world war two.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Welcome back to school 5A

Welcome back everyone.I am sure we are going to have a fantastic year and we are all going to learn lots.Parents please keep an eye on your child's homework book and this blog,as I will be giving you details about homework here as well.Please parents sign your child's homework book every day to help them to develop good woork habits.