lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

homework and spellings this week

Spellings-Audible,audience, audition, audiovisual, auditory, auditorium, photographic,photogenic, telephoto, photocopier, photophobia, agraphobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, xenophobia,hydrophobia
theother spellings are: shoot shot catch caught fight fought hear heard shake shook wear wore creep crept, break broke
Monday-ex 11 ex a 15-end. Ex 11 B1,2
Learn spellings and 10 sentences for next Monday
Tuesday-Ex 11 Finish b Literacy sheet to be given in on Thursday
Wednesday-Ex 11 all of C
Thursday-Ex 12 1-5
Maths sheet for next Monday
Friday Ex 12 6-15 Redraft spy thriller story for next Wednesday.Competion for spy thriller book cover