miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

This is for a murga and canterbury school is obviously nothing like this
We are sick of macaronis and of soup every day. Give us ice-cream for our pudding and Tony Roma twice a day.
We would like to leave our shirts out. It’s so naff to tuck them in. Don’t the teachers know of fashion. Calvin Klein and Dior are in.
We just want to speak in Spanish. All the day if possible. And we will speak in Spanglish.It’s the language of the school
We are sick of school uniform.We just need a little change.can’t we hike our skirts up like Marta, just because it rains.
As for soft balls on the patio, who do you really think we are?If we practised with a hardball ,all the matches we would win
Ladi ladi ladi ladi ladi ladi
Get rid of all school rules.
Ladi ladi ladi ladi ladi ladi
Get rid of all school rules.
We are sick of slow computers that is if they work today
AdsL is what we need, but we just don´t want to pay.
Where has all the good blutac gone? What we have falls off the walls. Is there such a crisis that we can´t decorate our walls?