lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Monday homework

Children will be learning their own spelling mistakes from their blue spelling book.
The sentences this week will be 10 sentences two for each of these words one using the superlative and another using the comparative.
happy, big,kind,sensible,sad

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Writing Fun Website

This is is really good website to show text types. Click

explanation text Go to powerpoint from this page.For homework this evening the children have to plan a explanation text.
 They can choose but it is not an information text ;it has to explain something for example-Why do birds migrate? How does a periscope work?
Why do Kangaroos jump?This should be planned in their literacy book for tomorrow's big write.This week they can bring sweets that you suck (so as not to make any noise and distract others)-one or two only to make it special.Don't forget your special pen and writers notebook.

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Comprehension for Charlotte's web

Chapters 5 and 6

L  Why is Wilbur so pleased when morning arrived? How do you know?
L  Why does the author keep saying ‘the friend’ rather than telling us who it is?
L  Why is Wilbur so horrified by what Charlotte tells him?
L  What fate does the goose think awaits Wilbur?
L  What does the end of Chapter 5 tell us about Charlotte and how does it encourage us to read on?
L  Read the scene setting at the beginning of Chapter 6. What picture of the farm in summer does it paint?
L  How do the geese feel about Templeton? Find the words and phrases that describe him.

Chapters 7 and 8

L  How did Wilbur react to the sheep’s news?
L  Read p.54. Why does the cliffhanger work?
L  What questions are you left asking and why does it make you want to read on?
L  What do you notice unusual about the conversation between Fern and her parents?
L  Do you agree with Mr. or Mrs. Arable or neither?
L  Why do you think the author has made the whole of chapter 8 just this one conversation?

Reading comprehension questions for Stig of the dump

Chapter 4
Gone A-Hunting, pages 51-58

How did Barney try to help Stig to understand about hunting?

What did they take with them?

Why did Stig drop to the ground?

What do you think Stig was hunting for?

Why was Barney unsure about killing the pheasant?

Why did the two boys hide?

Why do you think Stig did not kill the fox?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Page 58 – 64

What did Stig do to get rid of the hound?

What do you think Stig was thinking when he heard the hunt?

Why could Stig move so quickly through the undergrowth and Barney could not?

Describe the scene when the white horse came out of the wood.

What had Lou really seen?

Why didn’t Lou say anything when Barney had told her about hunting with Stig?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Chapter 5
The Snargets, pages 65 – 72

Describe what Barney could see from the window in the first paragraph.

What did Barney hear and see in the pit?

Who were they?

What were they doing?

Why did Barney throw clay at the shelter?

Who do you think Albert is?

What were the Snargets doing inside the shack before they all walked away?

Would you have gone into the shack if you were Barney?

Did the Snargets believe that Stig was real?

How did Barney describe Stig?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Pages 73 – 80

Why did Barney suddenly feel sorry for the Snargets once he had gone into Stig’s cave?

Why didn’t Stig move back when Barney did?

Why do you think Stig took the young Snarget to his den after he had fallen?

What did the “white flag” mean?

What did the older Snarget boys bring for Stig?

What did Stig do with the jelly babies at first?

What did Stig do with his cigarette?

Why do you think Barney wasn’t sure whether to have a cigarette?

What did the Snargets do to prove they would not tell the secret to anyone?

Maths homework

Here is your maths homework for this week.Please give it on Monday

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Greek gods

Athens and Sparta This web site will tell about the differences

more homework

Please finish spelling to be stuck in literacy book for tomorrow(Some children have already finished this).

Science revision site

Next week we will be having a test on light so have a look at the BBC sight to revise
go to the light and dark section

homework today

Monday-learn spellings for test next week -you have to know the meanings to
There are two spelling groups your child will know which one they are in they do sentences with the spellings they have to learn.
spellings-revise, return, replay, review, reflects, remember, repeat, reaction, rebellion, rebound, refresh, retreat,revenge, reverse, retrieve, recycle

calf-calves, half -halves self selves cliff cliffs
sniff-sniffs life lives, knife-knives
safe saves

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


Obviously, as the week progresses ,sometimes homework is changed.The maths homework will be given for Friday this week and tonight as you can see they have been asked to do some research.It is always a good idea to keep an eye on the blog in case of changes. Thankyou

information text

The children have been asked to write an information text for the BIG WRITE tomorrow here is some information to help them

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

this weeks homework

Monday-learn spellings and meanings -.10 sentences to include spellings.
Some `people have a sheet with the spellings on for the rest these are the spellings.Prefix,preamble, preamplifier,precarious,precast, precedent, preview,prehistoric, prevent, previous, predominant,premonition, preperation, `prescription,prelude,premature.
Tuesday-literacy sheet for Thursday
Wednesday-re draft 3 point for and thre points against school uniform each on separate half of A4 paper.
Thursday-maths homework for monday

viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Charlotte's web questions

Chapters 3 and 4

L  Why is the barn described using smells?
L  How does Wilbur like his new home?
L  How does Wilbur enjoy his freedom at first?
L  Trace the build-up of the chaos as they chase Wilbur – is it written effectively?
L  How does Wilbur feel when he sees the rain? Why?
L  How does Lurvy know something is wrong with Wilbur? Does he understand what is really wrong?
L  Wilbur asks the goose, lamb and rat to play but they refuse unkindly. How does that make you feel for Wilbur?
L  Read the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter – how is it effective?

Stig of the dump for ch 3 and 4

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Chapter 3
It Warms you Twice, pages 36 - 43

What time of year is it?

In your own words, describe the dump and Stig’s cave when Barney got there.

What did Barney think was wrong with Stig?

“He moved as if his joints were rusty”, what does this tell you about how Stig moved?

Why do you think Stig did not take the axe?

Why did Barney’s grandfather say that wood would warm you twice?

Why did Barney climb the tree?

Why was Stig cutting so quickly with the saw?

How had seeing the axe and the saw changed Stig’s mood? Why?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Pages 43 - 50

What did the two boys do with the tree once it had been brought down?

How did Stig try start the fire?

What do you think Stig thought when he saw Barney lighting the matches?

Why wouldn’t Stig waste another match?

Describe what Stig drew on the wall.

Do you think Barney’s sister and grandmother believed that Stig was real?
“Stig Of The Dump”
by CliveChapter 4
Gone A-Hunting, pages 51-58

How did Barney try to help Stig to understand about hunting?

What did they take with them?

Why did Stig drop to the ground?

What do you think Stig was hunting for?

Why was Barney unsure about killing the pheasant?

Why did the two boys hide?

Why do you think Stig did not kill the fox?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Page 58 – 64

What did Stig do to get rid of the hound?

What do you think Stig was thinking when he heard the hunt?

Why could Stig move so quickly through the undergrowth and Barney could not?

Describe the scene when the white horse came out of the wood.

What had Lou really seen?

Why didn’t Lou say anything when Barney had told her about hunting with Stig?

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

information on coasts

some ideas for the big write tomorrow

Include the purpose of the guide and a statement of the issue that is being debated)
Facts-People have been wearing school uniforms for two hundred years.80% of UK schools wear uniform however, every year more schools are getting rid of school uniform.Many people are debating the issue of school uniform.
3 paragraphs supporting school uniform
     To identify the school they attend--proud,
passive tense-present
Safety-school trips
Makes everyone the same they could be judged by their clothes.Not fair.
Everbody is put on an equal standing
3 paragraphs against school uniform
children will look more fashionable casual and relaxed
Express your own personality-children are not robots
o sum up
This writer believes....
clauses marked by commas,semi colons used to separate to connected sentences
However,furthermore,if could might,on the other hand ,finally,firstly,secondly.
Remember to bring your favourite pen any soothing classical CDs you have and a special notebook.Let's all be great writers

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

Maths this week

This week we are looking at multiplication and finding fractions of numbers. not really what we are doing but lots of links to maths sites here This is an australian page to help your maths even more games here.Havn't been able to come up with what we need this week but if you brush up and speed up your multiplication skills it will all be a lot easier.

Homework continued

Mon test 11A1-5
Tuesday-Literacy sheet for Thursday Test 11 A6-10
Wednesday-Test 11 all of B
Thursday-TEFL homework for Monday
Test 11C1-5
FridayMaths sheet and maths test 11 C 6-10

Homework this week

Monday -spellings and a sentenccredential,credulous,incredulouse defining each word-If the children do not know the meaning of the word they will not be able to do the spelling test-primary, primarily, primate, prime, primrose,primula, Prime Minister,prime number,prima donna, credit,incredible,credible,creditable,
incredulous.Please sign spelling book.

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Charlotte's web questions for this week only read ch 1 and 2

Chapters 1 and 2

L  Where is this story set and at what time of day does the story begin?
L  Think about the characters. What sort of person is Fern? How do you know?
L  Is her brother like her? Look at the pictures on pages 10 & 11 to help with your comparisons.
L  Is her father a bad man for wanting to kill the pig?
L  How does the relationship between Wilbur and Fern grow? Find evidence of their feelings for each other.
L  Does Fern treat him like a pig is usually treated? Give some examples.
L  How does the end of chapter give a clue about what is to come?

Stig of the dump questions .Please only read ch 1 and 2

Chapter 2
Digging With Stig, pages 12 – 19

What time of year is it?

Why do you think Barney and Lou are at their grandmother’s house?

Do you think Lou is older or younger than Barney? Why?

Why did Barney start to doubt that Stig was real?

What made him decide that Stig was real?

What do you think had happened to the hole?

What did Barney want to take to Stig?

What did he take?

What had been used to cover the hole in the cliff?

What did Barney do with the carrots? Why?

How did Barney know that Stig liked the carrots?

Pages 20 - 24

Why did the dump look more cheerful?

Why do you think Barney almost expected Stig to take the apple with his teeth?

Why didn’t Stig’s den look cheerful?

What did Stig use to dig with?

Why were the new piles of chalk placed away from Stig’s door?

Why didn’t Barney invite Stig to lunch?

How do you think Barney’s Grandmother would have reacted to Stig coming to lunch?