viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Stig of the dump questions .Please only read ch 1 and 2

Chapter 2
Digging With Stig, pages 12 – 19

What time of year is it?

Why do you think Barney and Lou are at their grandmother’s house?

Do you think Lou is older or younger than Barney? Why?

Why did Barney start to doubt that Stig was real?

What made him decide that Stig was real?

What do you think had happened to the hole?

What did Barney want to take to Stig?

What did he take?

What had been used to cover the hole in the cliff?

What did Barney do with the carrots? Why?

How did Barney know that Stig liked the carrots?

Pages 20 - 24

Why did the dump look more cheerful?

Why do you think Barney almost expected Stig to take the apple with his teeth?

Why didn’t Stig’s den look cheerful?

What did Stig use to dig with?

Why were the new piles of chalk placed away from Stig’s door?

Why didn’t Barney invite Stig to lunch?

How do you think Barney’s Grandmother would have reacted to Stig coming to lunch?