miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Reading comprehension questions for Stig of the dump

Chapter 4
Gone A-Hunting, pages 51-58

How did Barney try to help Stig to understand about hunting?

What did they take with them?

Why did Stig drop to the ground?

What do you think Stig was hunting for?

Why was Barney unsure about killing the pheasant?

Why did the two boys hide?

Why do you think Stig did not kill the fox?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Page 58 – 64

What did Stig do to get rid of the hound?

What do you think Stig was thinking when he heard the hunt?

Why could Stig move so quickly through the undergrowth and Barney could not?

Describe the scene when the white horse came out of the wood.

What had Lou really seen?

Why didn’t Lou say anything when Barney had told her about hunting with Stig?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Chapter 5
The Snargets, pages 65 – 72

Describe what Barney could see from the window in the first paragraph.

What did Barney hear and see in the pit?

Who were they?

What were they doing?

Why did Barney throw clay at the shelter?

Who do you think Albert is?

What were the Snargets doing inside the shack before they all walked away?

Would you have gone into the shack if you were Barney?

Did the Snargets believe that Stig was real?

How did Barney describe Stig?

“Stig Of The Dump”
by Clive King

Pages 73 – 80

Why did Barney suddenly feel sorry for the Snargets once he had gone into Stig’s cave?

Why didn’t Stig move back when Barney did?

Why do you think Stig took the young Snarget to his den after he had fallen?

What did the “white flag” mean?

What did the older Snarget boys bring for Stig?

What did Stig do with the jelly babies at first?

What did Stig do with his cigarette?

Why do you think Barney wasn’t sure whether to have a cigarette?

What did the Snargets do to prove they would not tell the secret to anyone?